Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Unable to view Worksheet tabs on the Microsoft Excel 2007

While I was writing a Visual FoxPro program and tried to import some data into an Excel worksheet, something strange happened.

I have noticed that the I was unable to view the worksheet, it suddenly disappear from my Excel application. Although I can see the file was still being opened, but nothing appear on the screen:-

I did a Google search on this and eventually I have found a solution.
In fact the solution is very simple:-
1. Launch the Excel worksheet
2. Click on View and then go for New Window, the worksheet will appear
3. Re-save the Excel worksheet.
4. Close the file and open again to ensure the worksheet is back to normal


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to jailbreak iPhone and iPad ?

Ha Ha ! I don't believe this is my first article.

So, for those iPhone and iPad users, I believe you should have heard about it. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad is just like hacking your iPhone/iPad. And nowadays jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad has become so easy.

How To Jailbreak

Follow the below instructions at your own peril:-

1. Use your iPhone/iPad browse the web http://www.jailbreakme.com/ with Safari.
2. Follow the instructions pop out from the screen. You will be guided to install Cydia on your device.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Technical Blog

I am excited to setup a new technical blog for myself.

So what is the purpose of having this Technical Blog? Nothing much! Just want to share and exchange my work experiences & IT knowledge with others.

I am willing to anwer any question which related to IT for you (IF I can answer :-D).